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An Inside Look At The Tech Giant Huawei
An Inside Look At The Tech Giant Huawei 7:58
June 10, 20195:34 PM ET
Google 翻譯
(offers 報價) (inside-look裡面,看) (how concerns如何關注) (tech 高科技)
(giant巨人)(operations操作)(handle about處理)(alleged 所謂的)
(consider the case 考慮這個案子)(against反對)(campaign 運動)
(waging a campaign 發動一場運動)(global campaign. 全球運動。)
(allies盟國)(generation of digital networks 一代數字網絡)
(fears 恐懼)(hack those networks. 破解那些網絡。)
(how real the risk is. 風險是多麼真實。)
(made you want to take a closer look at Huawei? 讓你想仔細看看華為?)
(symbol of the wider conflict between the 更廣泛的衝突的象徵)
(a foot in both worlds, both countries as they pull apart
what drives a lot of the disputes - the trade war and many other things
是什麼導致了很多爭議 - 貿易戰和許多其他事情
very different system.非常不同的系統。
different sites不同的網站
What equipment do they make that is so sensitive?
(the assembly line 裝配線)(wrapping them 包裹它們)(smartphone. 智能手機。)
(antennas to receive these signals 天線接收這些信號)
(it has headquarters in southern China 它的總部設在中國南部)
(really flaunt that wealth.真的炫耀那財富。)
In Shenzhen, which is China's version of Silicon Valley.
It's a city that didn't even exist a few decades ago
it's vast.這是巨大的。
sprawling 蔓延
campus of sprawling buildings.龐大建築的校園。
scale 規模
the Palace of Versailles凡爾賽宮
30-foot-high video screen.30英尺高的視頻屏幕
this giant screen was showing colorful scenes of life in cities.
It was at the entrance to this display
exhibition halls 展廳
former tech journalist who now works for the company.
networks run with Huawei equipment can coordinate traffic in a city
allow trash cans to tell the city when they're full
let police get real-time data on crimes.
All of the video feeds can be analyzed by the central control unit.
it simply allows the organization to control things faster.
These are places where we have implemented either smart or safe city solutions.
Needless to say...不用說...
Everywhere, so all kinds of networks and all kinds of sensitive data traversing those networks.
Which explains why the U.S. is alleging Huawei can't be trusted to touch that data
because China's government might ask Huawei for intelligence information.
(big concrete floor, 大混凝土地板)(automated.自動化)
(security standpoint, from a military standpoint.從軍事角度看安全立場)
(back off 退後)(larger trade deal.更大的貿易協議。)
(same press conference?新聞發布會?)(security threat.安全威脅。)
consulted with U.K. internet security officials. 向英國互聯網安全官員諮詢。
(abusing Huawei gear might be able to do to me.濫用華為設備可能對我有用)
(slightly different way.方式略有不同。)
(equipment being used to spy on individuals用來監視個人的設備)
(suppose假設)(people crack into gear. 人們闖進了裝備。)
(Hackers might disrupt the network, make it crash. 黑客可能會破壞網絡,使其崩潰。
(special evaluation center特別評估中心)(examine products.檢查產品。)
(strip it all back.將它全部剝掉。)(software and the hardware. 軟件和硬件。)
(security flaws 安全漏洞)(so far as we know. 據我們所知。)
(British evaluators英國評估員)
(a report from the flaws in a particular kind of software 來自特定軟件缺陷的報告
(Everybody already knew there was a security problem,每個人都已經知道存在安全問題,
(vulnerable to hackers. 容易受到黑客攻擊。)
(they had seen no tangible progress他們沒有看到任何切實的進展。)
(the corporate headquarters in China. 公司總部設在中國。)
(And we talked through an interpreter with 我們通過翻譯與他們進行了交談)
(She's been a company employee for decades. 幾十年來,她一直是公司員工。)
(we promised to spend $2 billion upgrading security.我們承諾將花費20億美元升級安全性。)
improving the security engineering capability and security technologies.提高安全工程能力和安全技術。
(lean on to manipulate the Internet somehow? 依靠以某種方式操縱互聯網?)
(response to that回應)(company founder.公司創始人。)
(publicly that in the past 公開表示過去)(to implant backdoors. 植入後門。)
And he even goes further to say that if, in the future, there was such kind of request, he would rather shut down the company than to comply with those requests.
entirely up to 完全取決於
intertwined with the private sector and commerce in all kinds of ways.以各種方式與私營部門和商業交織在一起。
next generation Internet network known as 5G.下一代互聯網稱為5G。
This campus is in the city of Dongguan. campuses while we were in southern China.我們在中國南方時的校園。
And the campus is so vast that you have to ride from one place to another on a train.
red antique-style commuter train pulling into the station where we boarded, 紅色的古董式通勤列車駛入我們登上的車站,
we've moved inward from Versailles right into central Paris,This campus in China is designed to look like historic sites in a series of European cities,這個位於中國的校園看起來像是一系列歐洲城市的歷史遺跡,
including Paris. And these cities were visible outside the train.包括巴黎。這些城市在火車外可見。
Heidelberg Castle, OK, the turret there.海德堡城堡,好的,那裡的砲塔。
People are crossing a river on an arched stone bridge lin
on an arched stone bridge lined with street lamps. 在一個拱形的石橋上排列著路燈。
there was a cobblestone street leading toward a tower in Bologna, Italy.
worldwide ambitions,全球野心,
restrain 抑制
Descendants of Chinese immigrants
on an arched stone bridge lined with street lamps.
there was a cobblestone street leading toward a tower in Bologna, Italy.
建造了美國著名鐵路的中國移民的後代 - 橫貫大陸的鐵路。
worldwide ambitions,
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An Inside Look At The Tech Giant Huawei