You learn Chinese, I learn English

(Five minutes Listen & talk Chinese/English coversation -(part1)



A: Hello 哈囉

B: Hi 嗨


A: How are you? 你好嗎?

B: I'm good. How are you? 我很好, 你呢?

A: Good. Do you speak Chinese?  很好,你會說中文嗎?

B: A little.Where are you from?  會一點點. 你從哪裡來?

A: I'm from Taiwan 我從台灣來的

B: Nice to mee you 很高興見到你

A: Nice to meet you too, 我也很高興見到你


A: You speak Chinese very well. 你的中文說得很好 

B: Thank you 謝謝  

A.How long have you been here? 你在這裡待多久了?

B.Two months 2個月

A.What do you do for work? 你是做什麼工作的?

B.I'm a student. How about you? 我是一個學生,你呢?

A.I'm a student, too. 我也是一個學生

B.Excuse me, what's your name? 不好意思,你叫什麼名字?

A.My name is Jessica, What's yours? 我叫潔西卡,你呢?

B.Jack  傑克


A. Do you know what time it is?你知道現在幾點了嗎?

B .Sure, It's 5:10 當然知道, 現在是五點十分

A.What did you say? 你說什麼?

B.I said it's 5:10 我說五點十分

A.Thanks 謝謝

B.You're welcome.  不客氣


A:I'm looking for the airport. Can you tell me how to get there

(我要去機場, 你能告訴我怎麼去嗎?)

No, sorry. I don't know  很抱歉, 我不知道


I think I can take the subway to the airport. 

Do you know where the subway is?

(我想我可以坐地鐵去機場, 你知道地鐵在哪兒嗎?)

Sure, It's over there 當然, 就在那邊(2:32) 


Where? I don't see it 在哪兒? 我沒看到

Across the street. 在這條街的對面

Oh, I see it now. Thanks. 喔, 我看到了 謝謝

No prolbem 不客氣

Do you know if there's a restroom around here?


Yes, there's one here. It's in the store. 知道, 這邊有一個 , 就在這家商店裡面

Thank you 謝謝

Bye 再見

Bye bye 再見





Hi Sarah, how are  you? 莎拉你好嗎?

Fine, how are you doing? 我很好, 你呢?

Ok 我還可以

What do you want to do? 你現在想幹什麼?

I'm hungry.  I'd like to eat something.(我餓了,想去吃點東西)

Where do you want to go? 你想去哪裡吃?

I'd like to go to an Italian restaurant. 我想去一家意大利餐廳

What kind of Italian food do you like?


I like spaghetti. Do you like spaghetti?

我喜歡吃義大利麵, 你喜歡嗎?

No, I  don't, but I like pizza. 不, 不喜歡, 但是我喜歡吃比薩

David, would you like something to eat?

大為, 你想吃點甚麼?

No, I'm full. 不我不餓

Do you want something to drink?你想喝點什麼嗎?

Yes, I'd like some coffee, 是的,我想來點咖啡

Sorry, I don't have any coffee 不好義思, 我沒有咖啡

Tha'ts ok, I'll have a glass of water , 沒事兒, 那我來一杯水吧

A small glass,or a big one?   小杯還是大杯

small please 請來一小杯

Here you are , 給你

Thanks. 謝謝

You're welcome 不客氣

Mary, would you like to get something to eat with me? 馬利, 你想和我一起吃飯嗎?

ok. When? 好, 什麼時候

At 10 Oclock 10點

10 in the morning 早上10點嗎

No, at night 不,是晚上

Sorry, that's too late. I usually go to bed around  10:00Pm,

(抱歉, 太晚了,我通常10點就睡覺了)

Ok, how about 1:30PM?

No, that's too early. I'll still be at work then

(不行,太早了, 那時我還在上班

How about  5:00PM 那下午五點怎麼樣?

That's fine 好的

Ok, see you then 好的,到時見

Alright.Bye. 好的,  

Jennifer, would you like to have dinnere with me? 

(珍妮佛, 你想和我共進晚餐嗎?)

Yes, That would be nice. When do you want to go?

(好哇, 不錯, 你想什麼時候去?)

Is today OK?今天可以嗎?

Sorry, I can't go today. 抱歉, 今天不行

How about tomorrow night? 那明天晚上呢?

Ok, What time? 好. 什麼時後

Is 9:00PM all right? 晚上9點可以嗎?

I think that's too late 我覺得太晚了

Is 6:00PM OK? 那晚上6點呢

Yes, that's good. Where would you like to go ?

(好的, 那樣很好, 你想去哪兒呢?)

The Italian restaurant on 5th street. 第五街的義大利餐廳怎麼樣?

Oh, I don't like that Restaurant. I don't want to go there

(喔. 我不喜歡那家餐廳, 我不想去那兒)

How about the Korean restaurant next to it?


Ok, I like that place 好的,我喜歡那地方

Hi, Mark 你好, 馬克

Hi  你好

What are you planning to do today? 你今天準備幹什麼?

I'm not sure yet. 我還不知道

Would you like to have lunch with me? 你想和我一起吃午餐嗎?

Yes, When? 好啊. 何時?

Is 11:30AM OK? 上午11:30可以嗎?

Sorry, I didn't hear you. Can you say that again please?

不好意思, 我沒聽到, 請你再說一遍, 可以嗎?

I said, 11:30AM 我說11:30

Oh, I'm busy then. Can we meet a little later?

( 喔, 我那時很忙, 我們晚點見好嗎?)

OK, how about 12:30PM? 好的, 那下午12:30可以嗎?

OK, Where? 好, 什麼地方

How about Bill's Seafood Restaurant?比爾海鮮館如何?

Oh, Where is that ?  喔,  在哪裡?

It's on 7th Street. 在第7街區

Ok, I'll meet you there 好的, 那下午見

Hello Sir, welcome to the French Garden Restaurant. How many

(你好,先生, 歡迎到法國花園餐廳, 請問幾位?


Right this way. Please have a seat Your waitress will be with you in

a moment.  (請到這邊來, 請坐, 您的服務員馬上就過來)

Hello sir, would you like to order now?你好,先生, 你想現在點菜嗎?

Yes, Please 是的, 

What would you like to drink? 你想喝什麼

What do you have? 你們有什麼

We have bottled water, juice, and Coke 我們有瓶裝礦泉水,果汁和可樂

I'll have a bottle of water please 那請幫我來一瓶礦泉水

What would you like to eat? 你想吃什麼

I'll have a tuna fish sandwich and a bowl of vegetable soup


Chris, where are you going? 克莉絲, 你要去哪裡?

I'm going to the store, I need to buy something

(我要去商店, 我需要買點東西)

Really? I need to go to the store too,(真的嗎? 我也要去商店)

Would you like to come with me? 你想跟我一起去嗎?

Yeah, let's go together 當然, 那咱們一起走

Would you like to go now or later? 你想現在去還是晚一點

Now. 現在

What? 什麼?

Now would be better. 現在更好點

Ok, let's go 好的, 那咱們走吧

Should we walk? 我們要步行嗎?

No, it's too far. Let's drive, 不, 商店太遠了,我們開車

Laura, what are you going to do today? 勞拉, 你今天準備幹什麼?

I'm going shopping 我要去逛街

What time are you leaving 你甚麼時間要去?

I'm going to leave around 4 O'clock 我大概四點左右要出發

Will you buy a ham sandwich for me at the store?


Ok 好的

Do you have enought money?  你錢夠嗎?

I'm not sure. 我不知道

How much do you have? 你有多少錢?

25 dollars. Do you think that's enough? 25美元, 你覺得夠嗎

That's not very much. 不太夠

I think it's OK. I also have two credit cards. 我覺得沒問題,我還有兩張信用卡

Let me give you another ten dollars 讓我再給你10美元

Thanks. See you later 謝謝, 待會兒見

Bye 再見 (10:29)


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