原於2013.09.04 更新於2019.02.21
20190213.29637 0218.29885 0221.30022
(The Serenity Prayer)寧靜禱文
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did,
this sinful world as it is. not as I would have it;
堅信主會使正義彰顯, 一切更新
Trusting that He will make all things right.
If I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him. Forever in the next .
By Reinhold Niebuhr~尼布爾~
Níngjìng dǎo wén
坚信主会使正义彰显, 一切更新
shén a, qiú mí cì gěi wǒ yī kē níngjìng de xīn,
qù jiēshòu bùnéng gǎibiàn de shì.
Qiú mí cì gěi wǒ xìnxīn hé yǒngqì, qù gǎibiàn néng gǎibiàn de shì.
Qiú mí cì gěi wǒ zhìhuì, qù fēnbiàn zhè liǎng zhě de bùtóng.
Rènzhēn dì qùguò měi yītiān,
xiǎngshòu shēngmìng de měi yī shíkè;
yíngjiē jiānnán, zuòwéi jìnrù píng'ān dì tújìng
ànzhào zhǔ de fāngshì
miàn duì zhè bùshì wǒ suǒ xiǎng yào de zuì'è shìjiè;
jiānxìn zhǔ huì shǐ zhèngyì zhāngxiǎn, yīqiè gēngxīn
zhǐyào wǒ shùnfú mí zhǐyì;
jīnshēng wǒ dé méngshòu zúgòu de xǐlè
láishēng yǔ zhǔ tóng xiǎng yǒngshì de huān yú.
秉持 "散播祝福 分享愛"
蒲公英月刊堅持免費索閱, 自由捐款.
讓溫馨小故事 成為許多人生命的祝福
Thinking(by Walter D.Wintle)
如果你覺得將被打敗 你早已失敗
If you think you are beaten, you are
如果你覺得你不敢 你早已喪膽
If you think you dare not, you don't
如果你想要獲勝 卻認為自己做不到
If you like to win, but you think you can't
可想而知 你註定不會贏
It is almost certain you won't
如果你相信會輸 你早已慘輸
If you think you'll lose, you're lose
因為我們發現, 在這個世界
For out of the world we find,
Success begins with a fellow's will
It's all in the state of mind
如果你覺得自己被比下去 你早已被比下去
If you think you are outclassed, you are
你必須看得高 才能飛得高
You've got to think high to rise,
You've got to be sure of yourself before
You can ever win a prize
Life's battles don't always go
To the stronger or faster man,
But soon or late the man who wins
你要保守你的心, 勝過保守一切, 因為一生的果效是由心發出
(聖經) 箴言4章 23節 (蒲公英月刊2017. 6月)
Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it
- Proverbs 4:23
蒲公英於1995年成立, 以"散播祝福, 分享愛" 為服務宗旨, 發行 "蒲公英希望月刊"
22年來, 月刊足蹟遍步個工商場所,醫院,學校, 監所及教會, 用清新, 溫馨感人的故事
2015南起蒲公英啟動"散播希望種子"計畫, 每月近20萬本月刊進入校園及偏鄉, 是
蒲公英無財團支持, 每月60萬冊的印制費用全數來自讀者的小額捐款,歡迎您也用
行動支持蒲公英, 讓愛與希望能在社會持續轉動
如果你觉得将被打败 你早已失败
如果你觉得你不敢 你早已丧胆
如果你想要获胜 却认为自己做不到
可想而知 你注定不会赢
Suǒ xiǎng
Rúguǒ nǐ juédé jiāng bèi dǎbài nǐ zǎoyǐ shībài
rúguǒ nǐ juédé nǐ bù gǎn nǐ zǎoyǐ sàngdǎn
rúguǒ nǐ xiǎng yào huòshèng què rènwéi zìjǐ zuò bù dào
kě xiǎng ér zhī nǐ zhùdìng bù huì yíng
如果你相信会输 你早已惨输
因为我们发现, 在这个世界
Rúguǒ nǐ xiāngxìn huì shū nǐ zǎoyǐ cǎn shū
yīnwèi wǒmen fāxiàn, zài zhège shìjiè
chénggōng shǐ yú rénxīn
yīqiè dōu yóu xīn ér fā
如果你觉得自己被比下去 你早已被比下去
你必须看得高 才能飞得高
Rúguǒ nǐ juédé zìjǐ bèi bǐ xiàqù nǐ zǎoyǐ bèi bǐ xiàqù
nǐ bìxū kàn dé gāo cáinéng fēi dé gāo
nǐ bìxū xiān kěndìng zìjǐ
cái yǒu kěnéng yíngdé jiǎngshǎng
Rénshēng de zhànjú bù huì yǒngyuǎn lìyú
nàxiē jiào qiángzhuàng huò shǒujiǎo kuài de rén
fǎn'ér nàxiē chízǎo huì huòshèng de rén
dōu shì xiāngxìn zìjǐ néng shēng chū de rén
你要保守你的心, 胜过保守一切, 因为一生的果效是由心发出
(圣经) 箴言4章 23节
Nǐ yào bǎoshǒu nǐ de xīn, shèngguò bǎoshǒu yīqiè, yīn wéi yīshēng de guǒ xiào shì yóu xīn fāchū
Love can.... (by M.S. Lowndes)
Love can restore new hope
After it's withered and died.
For hope is what will get us through
And love can be its guide
Love can run and embrace
愛可以追回 擁抱
The prodigal returning home
And the one that has come to the end
Those hurting, lost and alone
苦痛 迷失與孤單的人
For God's love is the answer to our broken, empty lives,
As we come with an open heart,
He can dispel all the hurt inside
And He will heal our borkenness
And lovingly, He will bind
The wounds that have left use scarred
慈愛的, 祂纏裹我們結疤傷口
And bring soundness to our minds
So give it over to God's love,
Our lives, and all that we are
所以交付於神的愛 我們的生命 我們的全人
Then we will know and walk in His love
屆時我們會明瞭, 行在祂的愛中
For His love shall dwell in our hearts.
------how wide and long and high and deep is
the love of chirst --Ephesians 3:18
基督的愛是何等長闊高深 (聖經) 以弗所書3章18節
爱可以追回 拥抱
苦痛 迷失与孤单的人
慈爱的, 祂缠裹我们结疤伤口
所以交付于神的爱 我们的生命 我们的全人
届时我们会明了, 行在祂的爱中
基督的爱是何等长阔高深 (圣经) 以弗所书3章18节
Ài kěyǐ.....
Ài kěyǐ xiūfù xīn de pànwàng,
zàixīn diāolíng sǐwáng hòu
jíshǐ pànwàng yǐ diāolíng sǐwáng
ér ài shì pànwàng de zhǐnán
ài kěyǐ zhuī huí yǒngbào
huí jiā de làngzǐ
hé zǒutóuwúlù
kǔtòng míshī yǔ gūdān de rén
yīnwèi shén de ài shì wǒmen pòsuì kūjié shēngmìng de jiědá
dāng wǒmen chǎngkāi xīn zǒuxiàng tā
tā kěyǐ xiāochú nèizài suǒyǒu de shāng tòng
tā yīzhì wǒmen de pòsuì
cí'ài de, tā chán guǒ wǒmen jié bā shāngkǒu
wèi wǒmen dài xià jiànkāng de xīnlíng
suǒyǐ jiāofù yú shén de ài wǒmen de shēngmìng wǒmen de quán rén
jièshí wǒmen huì míngliǎo, xíng zài tā de ài zhōng
yīn tā de ài jiàng cháng zhù zài wǒmen de xīn
jīdū de ài shì héděng zhǎng kuò gāoshēn (shèngjīng) yǐ fú suǒ shū 3 zhāng 18 jié
What happiness is? (John Mason Brow)
What happiness is, no one can say for another.
快樂是什麼? 無人能為別人說
But no one, I am convinced, can be happy who lives only for himself.
但我確信, 無人能只為自己活, 而感到快樂
The joy of living comes from immersion in something that we know to
be bigger, better, more enduring and worthier than we are.
活著的快樂來自專注於我們所知比自己更大, 更好, 更恆久,與更有價值的事
People, ideas, causes--these offer the one possible escape not
merely from selfishness but from the hungers of solitude and the
sorrows of aimlessness.
身旁的人們, 美好的構想, 正面的動機, 這些不僅讓我們跳脫自私, 更使我們從孤
No person is as uninteresting as a person without interest
The pitiful people are those who in their living elect to be
spectators rather than participants; the tragic ones are those sightseers
who turn their backs deliberately on the procession.
可憐的是那選擇旁觀而不參與的人, 可悲的是故意轉身背對眾之所向的人
The only true happiness comes from squandering ourselves for a purpose.
唯一真實的快樂, 是將自己毫無保留地投入有意義的目標上
You will make known to me the path of life; You will fill me with joy in your
presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hands
祢必將生命的道路指示我, 在祢面前有滿足的喜樂, 在祢右手中有永遠的福樂
快乐是什么? 无人能为别人说
但我确信, 无人能只为自己活, 而感到快乐
活着的快乐来自专注于我们所知比自己更大, 更好, 更恒久,与更有价值的事, 身旁的人们, 美好的构想, 正面的动机, 这些不仅让我们跳脱自私, 更使我们从孤独的饥渴和漫无目标的苦痛中幸免
可怜的是那选择旁观而不参与的人, 可悲的是故意转身背对众之所向的人
唯一真实的快乐, 是将自己毫无保留地投入有意义的目标上
祢必将生命的道路指示我, 在祢面前有满足的喜乐, 在祢右手中有永远的福乐
Kuàilè shì shénme?
Kuàilè shì shénme? Wú rén néng wéi biérén shuō
dàn wǒ quèxìn, wú rén néng zhǐ wèi zìjǐ huó, ér gǎndào kuàilè
huózhe de kuàilè láizì zhuānzhù yú wǒmen suǒ zhī bǐ zìjǐ gèng dà, gèng hǎo, gèng héngjiǔ, yǔ gèng yǒu jiàzhí de shì, shēn páng de rénmen, měihǎo de gòuxiǎng, zhèngmiàn de dòngjī, zhèxiē bùjǐn ràng wǒmen tiào tuō zìsī, gēng shǐ wǒmen cóng gūdú de jī kě hé màn wú mùbiāo dì kǔtòng zhōng xìngmiǎn
zài méiyǒu rén bǐ háo wú xìngqù de rén gèng fáwèi
kělián de shì nà xuǎnzé pángguān ér bù cānyù de rén, kěbēi de shì gùyì zhuǎnshēn bèi duì zhòng zhī suǒ xiàng de rén
wéiyī zhēnshí de kuàilè, shì jiāng zìjǐ háo wú bǎoliú dì tóurù yǒu yìyì de mùbiāo shàng
mí bì jiāng shēngmìng de dàolù zhǐshì wǒ, zài mí miànqián yǒu mǎnzú de xǐlè, zài mí yòushǒu zhōng yǒu yǒngyuǎn de fú lè
(shèngjīng) shīpiān 16 piān 11 jié)------púgōngyīng xīwàng yuèkān 2018.11 Yuè
最美的心 (The Most Beautiful Heart)
One day a young man was standing in the middle of the town
proclaiming that he had the most beautiful heart in the whole valley.
A large crowd gathered, and they all admired his heart for it was perfect.
There was not a flaw in it.
Suddenly, an old man appeared and said, "Why, your heart is not nearly as beautiful as mine."
The crowd and the young man looked at the old man's heart. It was full of scars, it had places where pieces had been removed and other pieces put in, but they didn't fit quite right, and there were several jagged edges. In fact, in some places there were deep gouges where whole pieces were missing.
The young man laughed. "Comparing your heart with mine, mine is perfect and yours is a mess of scars."
"Yes," said the old man, "Yours looks perfect but I would never trade with you. You see, every scar represents a person to whom I have given my love. I tear out a piece of my heart and give it to them, and often they give me a piece of their heart that fits into the empty place in my heart. But because the pieces aren't exact, I have some rough edges, which I cherish, because they remind me of the love we shared.
"Sometimes I have given pieces of my heart away, and the other person hasn't returned a piece of his or her heart to me. These are the empty gouges -- giving love is taking a chance. Although these gouges are painful, they stay open, reminding me of the love I have for those people too, and I hope someday they may return and fill the space I have waiting. So now do you see what true beauty is?"
The young man walked up to the old man, reached into his perfect heart, and ripped a piece out. He offered it to the old man.
The old man placed it in his heart, then took a piece from his old scarred heart and placed it in the wound in the young man's heart. It fit, but not perfectly, as there were some jagged edges.
The young man looked at his heart, not perfect anymore but more beautiful than ever, since love from the old man's heart flowed into his.
They embraced and walked away side by side.
Zuìměi de xīn
yītiān, yī wèi niánqīng rén zhàn zài chéngzhèn de zhōngyāng, xuānbù tā de xīn shì zhěnggè shāngǔ zhōng zuì měilì de xīn. Wéiguān de rén hěnduō, tāmen dōu chēngzàn niánqīng rén de xīn díquè shì wánměi wúquē, bìng méiyǒu yīdiǎn shānghén xiácī.
Túrán, yī wèi lǎorén chūxiànzài rénqún zhōng, shuō:`Nǐ de xīn bùrú wǒ dì měilì.'
Wéiguān zhě hé niánqīng rén dōu cháo lǎorén de xīn kàn qù: Tā bù mǎnle shāngbā, yǒu dì dìfāng bèi wā qù yòu chóngxīn tiánbǔ shàng, dàn xiūbǔ dé bù shèn wánzhěng, liú xià yīxiē cēncī bù qí de bāhén. Shíjì shang, yǒu dì dìfāng quēshīle zhěng kuài, shènzhì lùchū hěn shēn de huōkǒu.
Niánqīng rén xiàole qǐlái:`Wǒmen liǎng rén de xīn xiāng bǐ, wǒ de shì nàme wánměi, ér nǐ de què shì yī duī shāngbā.'
`Shì de,'lǎorén shuō,`nǐ de xīn cóng biǎomiàn lái kàn hěn wánměi, dàn wǒ jué bù huì gēn nǐ jiāohuàn. Nǐ kàn, měi gè shāngbā dōu dàibiǎo wǒ wèi biérén xiàn chū de yī fèn ài——wǒ tāo chū yīkuàixīn gěi tāmen, tāmen chángcháng huì tāo chū zìjǐ de yīkuài huízèng gěi wǒ, yǐ tiánbǔ wǒ de kòngquē. Dàn yóuyú zhè liǎng kuài bù wánquán yīyàng, shāngkǒu de biānyuán jiù liú xiàle bāhén, bùguò wǒ shífēn zhēnxī zhèxiē bāhén, yīnwèi tāmen shǐ wǒ xiǎngqǐ wǒmen gòngtóng yǒngyǒu de ài xīn.'
`Yǒushí wǒ sòngchūle yī bàn xīn, qítā rén bìng méiyǒu huízèng gěi wǒ, yīncǐ jiù chūxiànle zhèxiē huōkǒu——xiàn chū ài yěshì xūyào mào fēngxiǎn de. Jǐnguǎn zhèxiē huōkǒu hěn téng, wǒ háishì ràng tāmen chǎngkāizhe, yīnwèi tāmen néng shǐ wǒ xiǎngqǐ wǒ fùchū de ài. Wǒ xīwàng yǒu yītiān, dédào ài de rénmen nénggòu huílái tiánbǔ shàng wǒ xīnlǐ de kōngjiān. Nǐ xiàn zài míngbái shénme shì zhēnzhèng dì měilìle ba?'
Niánqīng rén mòmò zǒu jìn lǎorén, bǎshǒu shēn jìn zìjǐ wánměi de xīnzhōng, sī xià yīkuài lái, bǎ tā xiàn gěi zhè wèi lǎorén.
Lǎorén jiēguò kuìzèng, bǎ tā fàng jìn zìjǐ de xīnlǐ. Ránhòu tā cóng zìjǐ bāhén lěilěi de xīnlǐ tāo chū yīkuài, fàng zài niánqīng rén xīnlǐ dì nàgè shāngkǒu shàng. Zhènghǎo fàng jìnqù, dàn bùshì tèbié wěnhé, yě chūxiànle yīxiē bāhén.
Niánqīng rén kànzhe zìjǐ de xīn, kàn qǐlái bu zài wánměi dàn bǐ yǐqián gèng měilìle, yīnwèi lǎorén xīnzhōng de ài yě liútǎng dàole tā de xīnlǐ.
Tāmen yǒngbàozhe, jiān bìngjiān líkāile.
人生是一場旅程 life is a journey
滿了故事 艱辛 心痛 歡樂
life is a journey
filled with lessons, hardships
heartaches, joys
that will ultimately lead us
to our destination
our purpose in life
The road will not always be smooth
In fact, throughout our travels,
we will encounter many challenges.
Sometimes these obstacles are really
blessings in disguise
only we don't realize that at the time
celebrations and special moments
In this sense, "stronger" means
looking back at the person you
were and comparing it to the
person you have become today
I have seen all the things that
are done under the sun
all of them are meaningless, a
chasing after the wind
(Ecclesiastes1:14) -------蒲公英希望月刊
人生是一场旅程 life is a journey
满了故事 艰辛 心痛 欢乐
Rénshēng shì yī chǎng lǚchéng life is a journey
rénshēng shì yī chǎng lǚchéng
mǎnle gùshì jiānxīn xīntòng huānlè
zuìzhōng jiāng dào wǒmen de mùdì de
wǒmen de rénshēng mùbiāo
rán'ér dàolù bìng bù zǒng shì shùnlì de
shìshí shàng zài wǒmen de lǚxíng zhōng jiàng yù dào hěnduō tiǎozhàn
yǒushí zhèxiē zhàng'ài shíjì shang shì wèizhuāng de zhùfú
zhǐshì wǒmen dāngshí méiyǒu yìshí dào
qìngzhù yǐjí tèbié de jīnglì
cóng zhège yìyì shàng shuō “gèng qiáng” shì zhǐ
guòqù de nǐ hé xiànzài de nǐ jìnxíng bǐjiào
wǒ kànguò rìguāng zhī xià suǒ fāshēng de yīqiè shì,
bùliào, yīqiè dōu shì xūkōng, dōu shì bǔ fēng
shèngjīng: Chuándào shū yī zhāng 14 jié-------púgōngyīng xīwàng yuèkān
經典感人箴言 Learnging Chinese:(Valentine's Day) Inspirational and Motivational for love
(更正:彷彿 和 天空)
1.《藍莓之夜》My Blueberry Nights
One is always on a strange road, watching strange scenery and listening to strange music. Then one day, you will find that the things you try hard to forget are already gone.
Yīgè rén zǒng yào zǒu mòshēng de lù, kàn mòshēng de fēngjǐng, tīng mòshēng de gē, ránhòu zài mǒu gè bùjīngyì de shùnjiān, nǐ huì fāxiàn, yuánběn shì fèi jìn xīnjī xiǎng yào wàngjì de shìqíng zhēn de jiù nàme wàngjìle.
2. 天外奇蹟 La-Haut
Happiness is not about being immortal nor having food or rights in one's hand. It's about having each tiny wish come true, or having something to eat when you are hungry or having someone's love when you need love.
Xìngfú, bùshì chángshēng bùlǎo, bùshì dà yú dàròu, bùshì quán qīng cháoyě. Xìngfú shì měi yīgè wéixiǎo de shēnghuó yuànwàng dáchéng. Dāng nǐ xiǎng chī de shíhòu yǒu dé chī, xiǎng bèi ài de shíhòu yǒurén lái ài nǐ.
3.《當哈利遇見莎莉》 When Harry Met Sally
Love is a lamp, while friendship is the shadow. When the lamp is off,you will find the shadow everywhere. Friend is who can give you strength at last.
Àiqíng shì dēng, yǒuqíng shì yǐngzi, dāng dēng mièle, nǐ huì fāxiàn nǐ de zhōuwéi dōu shì yǐngzi. Péngyǒu, shì zài zuìhòu kěyǐ gěi nǐ lìliàng de rén.
4.《剪刀手愛德華》 The story of an uncommonly gentle man.
I love you not for who you are, but for who I am with you.
Wǒ ài nǐ bùshì yīnwèi nǐ shì shéi, ér shì wǒ zài nǐ miànqián kěyǐ shì shéi.
5.《戀夏500天》 (500) Days of Summer
Love makes man grow up or sink down.
Àiqíng, yàome ràng rén chéngshú, yàome ràng rén duòluò.
6.《如果能再愛一次》 If Only
If you can hold something up and put it down, it is called weight-lifting; if you can hold something up but can never put it down,it's called burden-bearing. Pitifully, most of people are bearing heavy burdens when they are in love.
Jǔ dé qǐ fàng dé xià de jiào jǔzhòng, jǔ dé qǐ fàng bùxià de jiào fùzhòng. Kěxí, dà duōshù rén de àiqíng, dōu shì fùzhòng de.
7.《麥迪遜之橋》 The Bridges of Madison County
We all live in the past. We take a minute to know someone, one hour to like someone, and one day to love someone, but the whole life to forget someone .
Wǒmen měi gèrén dōu shēnghuó zài gèzì de guòqù zhōng, rénmen huì yòng yī fēnzhōng de shíjiān qù rèn shí yīgè rén, yòng yī xiǎoshí de shíjiān qù xǐhuān yīgè rén, zài yòng yītiān de shíjiān qù ài shàng yīgè rén, dào zuìhòu ne, què yào yòng yībèizi de shíjiān qù wàngjì yīgè rén.
8.《鐵達尼號》 Titanic
One may fall in love with many people during the lifetime. When you finally get your own happiness, you will understand the previous sadness is kind of treasure, which makes you better to hold and cherish the people you love .
Yīgè rén yīshēng kěyǐ ài shàng hěnduō de rén, děng nǐ huòdé zhēnzhèng shǔyú nǐ de xìngfú zhīhòu, nǐ jiù huì míngbái yīqǐ de shāng tòng qíshí shì yī zhǒng cáifù, tā ràng nǐ xuéhuì gèng hǎo de qù bǎwò hé zhēnxī nǐ ài de rén.
50 First Dates
When you are young, you may want several love experiences. But as time goes on, you will realize that if you really love someone, the whole life will not be enough. You need time to know, to forgive and to love.All this needs a very big mind.
Niánqīng de shíhòu huì xiǎng yào tán hěnduō cì liàn'ài, dànshì suízhe niánlíng de zēngzhǎng, zhōngyú lǐngwù dào ài yīgè rén, jiùsuàn yòng yībèizi de shíjiān, háishì huì xián bùgòu. Màn man de qù liǎojiě zhège rén, tǐliàng zhège rén, zhídào ài shàng wéizhǐ, shì xūyào yǒu fēicháng kuāndà de xiōngjīn cái xíng.
10.《單身公寓》 Don’t worry. Be happy.
When tomorrow turns in today, yesterday, and someday that no more important in your memory, we suddenly realize that we r pushed forward by time. This is not a train in still in which you may feel forward when another train goes by. It is the truth that we've all grown up.And we become different.
Dāng míngtiān biàn chéngle jīntiān chéngwéile zuótiān, zuìhòu chéngwéi jìyì lǐ bù zài zhòngyào de mǒu yītiān, wǒmen túrán fāxiàn zìjǐ zài bùzhī bù jué zhōng yǐ bèi shíjiān tuīzhe xiàng qián zǒu, zhè bùshì jìngzhǐ huǒchē lǐ, yǔ xiāng lín lièchē jiāocuò shí, fǎngfú zìjǐ zài qiánjìn de cuòjué, ér shì wǒmen zhēnshí de zài chéngzhǎng, zài zhè jiàn shì lǐ chéngle lìng yīgè zìjǐ.
11.《分手信》 Dear John
If you leave me, please don't comfort me because each sewing has to meet stinging pain.
Líkāi wǒ jiù bié ānwèi wǒ, yào zhīdào měi yīcì féngbǔ yě huì zāoyù chuāncì de tòng.
Don't forget the things you once you owned. Treasure the things you can't get. Don't give up the things that belong to you and keep those lost things in memory.
Céngjīng yǒngyǒu de, bùyào wàngjì. Bùnéng dédào de, gèng yào zhēnxī. Shǔyú zìjǐ de, bùyào fàngqì. Yǐjīng shīqù de, liú zuò huíyì.
13.《西雅圖夜未眠》 Sleepless in Seattle
I love and am used to keeping a distance with those changed things.Only in this way can I know what will not be abandoned by time. For example, when you love someone, changes are all around. Then I step backward and watching it silently, then I see the true feelings.
Wǒ xǐhuān bìng xíguànle duì biànhuà de dōngxī bǎochízhe jùlí, zhèyàng cái huì zhīdào shénme shì zuì bù huì bèi shíjiān pāoqì de zhǔnzé. Bǐrú ài yīgè rén, chōngmǎn biànshù, wǒ yúshì hòutuì yībù, jìng jìng de kànzhe, zhídào kànjiàn zhēnchéng de gǎnqíng.
14.《兩小無猜》 Jeusc d’engants
Good love makes you see the whole world from one person while bad love makes you abandon the whole world for one person.
Hǎo de àiqíng shì nǐ tōngguò yīgè rén kàn dào zhěnggè shìjiè, huài de àiqíng shì nǐ wèile yīgè rén shěqì shìjiè.
15.《冷山》 Cold Momntain
We shall always save a place for ourselves, only for ourselves. And then begin to love. Have no idea of what it is, who he is, how to love or how long it will be. Just wait for one love. Maybe no one will come out, but this kind of waiting is the love itself.
Zài zìjǐ miànqián, yīnggāi yīzhí liú yǒu yīgè dìfāng, dúzì liú zài nàlǐ. Ránhòu qù ài. Bù zhīdào shì shénme, bù zhīdào shì shéi, bù zhīdào rúhé qù ài, yě bù zhīdào kěyǐ ài duōjiǔ. Zhǐshì děngdài yīcì àiqíng, yěxǔ yǒngyuǎn dōu méiyǒu rén. Kěshì, zhè zhǒng děngdài, jiùshì àiqíng běnshēn.
16.《愛蜜莉的異想世界》 Le Fabuleux Destin O’Amelie Poulain
Is there anyone who hasn't suffered for the secret love? We always think that love is very heavy, heavy and could be the heaviest thing in the world. But one day, when you look back, you suddenly realize that it's always light, light. We all thought love was very deep, but in fact it's very thin. The deepest and heaviest love must grow up with the time.
Yǒu shéi bùcéng wèi nà ànliàn ér tòngkǔ? Wǒmen zǒng yǐwéi nà fèn chīqíng hěn zhòng, hěn zhòng, shì shìshàng zuì zhòng de zhòngliàng. Yǒu yītiān, mù rán huíshǒu, wǒmen cái fāxiàn, tā yīzhí dōu shì hěn qīng, hěn qīng de. Wǒmen yǐwéi ài de hěn shēn, hěn shēn, lái rì suìyuè, huì ràng nǐ zhīdào, tā bùguò hěn qiǎn, hěn qiǎn. Zuìshēn hé zuì zhòng de ài, bìxū hé shí rì yīqǐ chéngzhǎng.
17.《P.S. 我愛你》 P.S. I Love You
In this world, only those men who really feel happy can give women happiness.
Zài zhège shìjiè shàng, zhǐyǒu zhēnzhèng kuàilè de nánrén, cáinéng dài gěi nǚrén zhēnzhèng de kuàilè.
18.《英倫情人》 Der Englische Patient
An unacceptable love needs no sorrow but time- sometime for forgetting.A badly-hurt heart needs no sympathy but understanding.
Yīduàn bù bèi jiēshòu de àiqíng, xūyào de bùshì shāngxīn, ér shì shíjiān, yīduàn kěyǐ yòng lái yíwàng de shíjiān. Yī kē bèi shēn shēn shāngle de xīn, xūyào de bùshì tóngqíng, ér shì míngbái.
19.《班傑明的奇幻旅程》 Benjamin Button
I know someone in the world is waiting for me, although I've no idea of who he is. But I feel happy every day for this.
Wǒ zhīdào zhè shìshàng yǒurén zài děng wǒ, jǐnguǎn wǒ bù zhīdào wǒ zài děng shéi. Dànshì yīnwèi zhèyàng, wǒ měitiān dū fēicháng kuàilè.
20.《手札情緣》 The Notebook
In your life, there will at least one time that you forget yourself for someone, asking for no result, no company, no ownership nor love. Just sk for meeting you in my most beautiful years.
Yīshēng zhìshǎo gāi yǒu yīcì, wèile mǒu gèrén ér wàngle zìjǐ, bù qiú yǒu jiéguǒ, bù qiú tóngxíng, bù qiú céngjīng yǒngyǒu, shènzhì bù qiú nǐ ài wǒ. Zhǐ qiú zài wǒ zuìměi de niánhuá lǐ, yù dào nǐ.
21.《阿甘正傳》 Forrest Gump
I don't think that when people grow up, they will become more broad-minded and can accept everything. Conversely, I think it's a selecting process, knowing what's the most important and what's the least. And then be a simple man.
Wǒ bù juédé rén de xīnzhì chéngshú shì yuè lái yuè kuānróng hángài, shénme dōu kěyǐ jiēshòu. Xiāngfǎn, wǒ juédé nà yīnggāi shì yīgè zhújiàn tīchú de guòchéng, zhīdào zìjǐ zuì zhòngyào de shì shénme, zhīdào bù chóng yào de dōngxī shì shénme. Érhòu, zuò yīgè chún jiǎn de rén.
22.《窗外有藍天》 A Room With A View
When you feel hurt and your tears are gonna to drop. Please look up and have a look at the sky once belongs to us. If the sky is still vast , clouds are still clear, you shall not cry because my leave doesn't take away the world that belongs to you
Dāng nǐ de xīn zhēn de zài tòng, yǎnlèi kuàiyào liú xiàlái de shíhòu, nà jiù gǎnkuài táitóu kàn kàn, zhè piàn céngjīng shǔyú wǒmen de tiānkōng; dàngtiān yījiù shì nàme de guǎngkuò, yún yījiù nàme de xiāosǎ, nà jiù bù yìng gāi kū, yīnwèi wǒ de lí qù, bìng méiyǒu dài zǒu nǐ de shìjiè.
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